拡大《Self-Portrait with a Hat》

KOIDE Narashige

《Self-Portrait with a Hat》

1924   Oil on canvas

Koide Narashige showed N’s Family (1919, Ohara Museum of Art) when he was thirty-two. He depicted himself, his wife and child, in Japanese dress, using strong brushwork and colors. From September, 1921, he spent five months in France. While he moaned that Paris was the most awful place ever, upon returning to Japan he switched to a Western lifestyle. In September, 1923, he lived through the Great Kanto Earthquake in Tokyo. Returning to his home in Osaka two weeks later, he threw himself into rethinking his style. This self-portrait in Western dress from a year later suggests his self confidence and, given the dour expression, something of his complex inner life.

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《Self-Portrait with a Hat》