拡大《On the Terrace at Sèvres》


《On the Terrace at Sèvres》

1880  Oil on canvas

Marie Bracquemond first met Impressionist painters through her husband, Felix. She created this work at the same time as another of the same title (Petit Palais, Geneva) that she showed in the 1880 Impressionist exhibition. Her models are her friend the painter Henri Fantin-Latour and his wife Victoria Dubourg. The woman on the right may be the artist herself, or, according to her son Pierre, her younger sister, Louise Quivoron. Her white clothing, glowing in the sun, is painted in blue and pale pink, a very Impressionist technique of grasping subtle changes in hues due to the light, which she learned from the work of Monet and Renoir.
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《On the Terrace at Sèvres》