拡大《Canal Boat》

Maurice de VLAMINCK

《Canal Boat》

1905-06  Oil on canvas

©ADAGP, Paris & JASPAR, Tokyo, 2023 C4435

Inspired by van Gogh, Vlaminck worked in vivid colors and a rough touch. He, Matisse, and Derain were the painters driving Fauvism. He and Derain were so close that they shared an atelier in Chatou, near Paris. In this painting, he has depicted a scene near their atelier. The horizontal motion of the boat boldly cutting across the foreground and the vertical motion of the smoke rising from the chimneys of factories in the background compose this lively picture plane. The placement of vivid primary colors and the generous brushwork, which does not cover the canvas below, are characteristics that make it an excellent example of the artist’s Fauvist period.

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《Canal Boat》